What are we doing?
Covid-19 or Coronavirus is currently a public health at risk. Please help us help you.
We realise this is a worrying time for all, and we ask that you help us to reduce the risk. As information is coming through from government bodies, we at PSS are putting in some additional precautions to help keep everyone as safe as possible.
Step 1: We have put signage through the offices asking that clients and staff to wear face masks when on the premises. We ask everyone to use hand sanitiser on entry at our reception desk, along with additional supplies of tissues. Once you have sanitised you must take your temperature and record when signing as long as it is below 38 degrees. Anybody with a temperature of 38 degrees or above must leave the building immediately. We advice, everyone, to wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water and catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue – “catch it, bin it, kill it”. Frequent hand washing is one of the most effective measures we can all take to protect ourselves and each other.
Step 2: Employees are advised to follow the NHS advice and stay at home if you have coronavirus symptoms. 1) A high temperature – you feel hot to touch on your chest or back. 2) new, continuous cough – this means you’ve started coughing repeatedly. Employees must report into their manager if they have symptoms or have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive. Click here for more info.
Step 3: We would ask that where possible, appointments are only made when essential. We appreciate that this is not always possible. If you or a member of your family have not been well and shown symptoms similar to those given out by NHS England in relation to coronavirus, we ask that you reschedule your appointment or ask for a virtual appointment instead.
Step 4: For now, we will not be shaking hands. This is to reduce the risks of transmission. Please do not take offence to this and we hope before long we will be back to greeting everyone with open hands! You must observe social distancing at all times whilst on site.
Step 5: Our staff have got access to anti-bac wipes and spray for ease of cleaning their own working space. Only when sat in your own working space are staff allowed to remove their mask, it must be worn at all other times.
Should the risk of COVID-19 escalate further we have plans in place to escalate precautions. We hope we will not get to this stage.
In line with the Government on ‘COVID Secure’ working, we are completing ongoing risk assessments for every area of our business. These are available to all upon request.
As an extended part of our PSS family, we hope you and your family stay healthy and understand the steps we have decided to take to help reduce risks.